Type alias GoogleSheetsTableOptions

GoogleSheetsTableOptions: {
    columnConstraints: ColumnConstraints;
    credentials: JWTInput;
    sheetName: string;
    spreadsheetId: string;

Options for creating a new GoogleSheetsTable object

Type declaration

  • columnConstraints: ColumnConstraints

    Column constraints used when inserting or updating data in the table.

  • credentials: JWTInput

    The credentials used to call the Google Sheets API.


    // using a Google service account
    client_email: "service-account@your-project-123456.iam.gserviceaccount.com",
    private_key: "your-service-account-private-key"
  • sheetName: string

    The name of the sheet within the Google Sheets spreadsheet that contains the table

  • spreadsheetId: string

    The [spreadsheet ID]https://developers.google.com/sheets/api/guides/concepts or Google Drive file ID of the Google Spreadsheet containing the table.


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